Hanna Olsson girls ice hockey camp Sweden 2025

Country: Sweden

Starting date: 7/7/2025

Age group: Kids; Teens

Description: HANNA OLSSON HOCKEY CAMP GIRLS 2008-2010 - ACCOMMODATION Born: 2008-2010 Participants: 25-30 skaters and four to six goalies Price: Skaters 5.000 SEK, goalies 3.000 SEK GIRLS 2011-2012 – ACCOMMODATION Born: 2011-2012 Participants : 25-30 skaters and four to six goalies Price: Skaters 5.000 SEK, goalies 3.000 SEK GIRLS 2013-2014 – DAY CAMP Born: 2013-2014 Participants : 25-30 skaters and four to six goalies Price: Skaters 4.500 SEK, goalies 2.500 SEK GIRLS 2015-2017 – DAY CAMP Born: 2015-2017 Participants : 25-30 skaters and four to six goalies Price: Saters 4.500 SEK, goalies 2.500 SEK

Hanna Olsson girls ice hockey camp Sweden 2025

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